Sunday 30 October 2011

Win or Place?

Tomorrow is the day I've been waiting for -  The Melbourne Cup! Every year I celebrate this international horse race, by myself in Oxford, by placing a bet via telephone with my William Hill Card (yes this is really true) and then finding out on Radio 4 news whether my chosen horse was a winner.  This year I will actually be in the city when the famed horse race is taking place.

The downside is that we do not even have a television to watch the thing on.  (Of course we have a bloody television, but we don't have that black-box-thingy that you need these days.  We are lefty-hippies but not that bad.  Well the Accountant is actually so far right he is nearly conservative: "contemporary dance? bloody women rolling around on the floor....").

So if anyone is reading this in Melbourne and they want to have me come round for 15 minutes to watch my horse win or otherwise - I would be much obliged. Cheers.

(Nic's tip: Dunedin or Americain. Can't decide - will sleep on it.)


  1. Hmm, don't think there are any Kiwi horses racing this year (are there? that's what the nice bloke on the telly just said, anyway) so no bet for me!

    Good luck though hun...


  2. You made me laugh out loud today! Thanks.

  3. ... notice how Monica says "today" ... Just sayin' x
