Wednesday 5 October 2011

There's No Place Like New Home

Hey! Finally into our new house people.  Lots to do and obviously have the little tackers running excitedly around whilst trying to clean and unpack. I am truly the Queen of Rummaging and so in my element looking for places to put things. And the shipping freight has not even arrived yet!

Brian (more of him later) and his young and sexy apprentices arrived at the truly godforsaken hour of 6:45am this morning to deliver the rest of our stuff from The Cousin's house.  The Cousin and Second Cousin (Sophie - sister to Jacqui) were little bloody angels last night. Helping with the children, washing dishes, unpacking, drinking Champagne. Was a lovely welcome into our new home.

Sleeping arrangements are all over the place. Boys on lovely camp beds in their own room. Me on airbed in parental room, with Jonty in crib - and The Accountant chose to sleep on the boy's floor wrapped in a duvet. What's that about?

Also I'm online!
Over and out.


  1. So happy to read you again and looking forward to more on your new life!I hope we'll be able to see photos soon??Maybe The Accountant misunderstood the meaning of "christening" each room of a new house?
    Need to hear more about Brian...

  2. Dear Nickely - I hope the house becomes a nice home. What is the address? Love dad
