Friday 21 October 2011

It's A Family Affair

Great day. Took Rufus and Jonty to Cousin Lauren's house for a family get-together.  The Smith Family have always been about great homemade food and everyone chipping in.  We had a lovely cold lunch, followed by some delectable cakes and goodies.  No one in our family would even think to go and bring a shop-bought cake. Unheard of!  Nice to know that my Nan's recipes haven't disappeared forever, as my Aunties and cousins are doing a jolly good job of carrying on the family tradition.

My Nan's letters to me used to be filled with stories of food.  What she had when she went out, what Mrs Such-and-Such had made etc.  And my Nan wasn't even fat! Just very interested in good food, and the making of good food.

So we had the feast, the family and the laughter.  For my friends in UK/Europe in case you didn't know I do have a never-ending list of cousins so I will tell you right now that there are five Smith girls (one of which is my mother), 15 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.  And most of these people live in Melbourne.  Here's to many more family events.

I offered to host the next one - morning tea in a few weeks. Yikes - time to get my Domestic Goddess cookbook out (thanks Nigella - and Carole!).

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