Thursday 13 October 2011

Early Christmas

Unpacking is so much fun.  The new house is bigger than our house in Oxford, so our furniture is dwarfed in the space.  It is probably not that the house is huge, but there are more rooms, and higher ceilings, and my office is a little outbuilding to the side of the house.

I tried to re-make my dresser just the way I had it in our Oxford sunroom. I nearly forgot where certain pieces of glassware and pottery was placed, and very nearly called up the one person I knew would remember each and every piece.  David H would have had a call early UK time as I could not figure out how I fitted all that stuff in.   In the end I worked it out, and as I did I was looking at each piece thinking "My I have good taste!"  It is nice to have all our things back again, and even though it should be no surprise unwrapping all the things, you find yourself exclaiming and smiling as if you were opening present after present to yourself.

So glad we invested in pieces from around the world whilst on our adventures abroad, as now they are with us, as are the memories.  Henry's teacher commented on my shoes yesterday and asked where they were from. Shoes: New York. Skirt: Sardinia. Top: Australia. Sunglasses: France. Not so much slummy mummy any more.

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