Friday 21 October 2011

Dance Class Circa 1996

This week in a newspaper I read that Lake Eildon was full, and it was the first time there was so much water since 1996. So there has been a drought in Australia in two senses.  The environmental one and the cultural one. Or more specifically the Contemporary Dance gap between Europe and Australia has opened even more than I thought possible.

All those not wanting to hear me have a good 'ol bitch about a contemporary dance class which WASN'T taken by me or David H, then please log on again tomorrow.

Thought you would all read on.

Was it the worst dance class I've ever done? No, not that bad. But bloody hell woman - if I want a workout I'll go to the gym, if I want to launch myself at the floor at one hundred miles an hour (several times in a row) I'll join a karate class, if I want to do abdominal exercises and push-ups AT THE END OF A DANCE CLASS PEOPLE - I'll get one of those personal trainer experts and get my butt on the first plane to LA and train with Jennifer Aniston.  AND  at the end of the session the teacher had the audacity to tell us to stretch and warm-down if we felt like it.  Fifteen miserable bucks to warm myself down? Bugger off.  That is one and a half hours I'm never getting back.

Please can I just do one lovely gorgeous sequence and waft around the space feeling like a dancer?  Even a nice plie exercise that makes sense would be good.  I can feel a phone call to the Camberwell City Hall coming on "Do you take hall hire bookings? Good - get me in".  The Nickely Burke Camberwell School of Contemporary Dance Which Is All About Dance And Not About A Bloody Gym Session is not really a catchy name. But it's a start.

PS Hayley - please explain.
PPS David H - thank god you were not there or we would have cracked up and made exhibitions of ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. I must say, I am very glad not to have been witness to the class, I've never felt that 'The Jane Fonda Contemporary Dance Technique' was much of a winner!
    Please please go back with a secret camera tucked into your leggings (which by the way are ON MY LIST along with 'Jeggings'!!!) I just want to witness the look of horror/disdain on your face - finished off with the 'bitchy smile' when you hand over the cash!
    So much hilarity - Is it possible that you are funnier in blog than in person ... it cannot possibly be?
