Thursday 20 October 2011

It's A Slow Death In Suburbia - Part II

It is hot. I mean for Spring, 30 degrees is quite something.  Lovely walking Henry to school today though as the morning was a bit cooler, and the morning walk is in the shade (coming back is lethal at 3:30pm though).

I have started to meet some other Mums in the schoolyard. Half of them live in our street.  They introduced themselves and then informed me that they lived across the road and another two doors down.  Is it me or did I detect a smirk on their faces as they told me where they lived?  I latched on to this knowing look thinking that they have probably heard me in my best Yugoslavian Fisherman's Wife voice yelling out "HENRY!" "RUFUS!"  Usually followed by some sort of "GET OFF THAT FENCE/YOUR BROTHER/CAR/PLASTIC SWORD NOW!"

The Accountant usually plays his best card when dropping Henry off in the morning. Swaggering into the schoolyard in his Saville Row suit, Thomas Pink shirt, sunglasses.  Beaming at all the mothers.  Such a good father - so proud, so involved, so althetic-looking, walking his son to school.

Then I turn up at the end of the day. Haggard. Hair straggling out of a messy bun.  Tired from breastfeeding all night. Rufus and Jonty tired/hungry/thirsty from the walk. Henry nagging me for food straight away.  Three boys to watch and look after at the same time amongst hundreds of children. And these women try and have decent conversation with me and I can almost hear them thinking "Why is he with her? What a wreck!".

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