Thursday 16 February 2012

Retail Therapy

Been shoppin' down the high steet luv.  Needed a few trinkets for the family.  Asked a mother at school at drop off time where to go: "Doncaster Shopping Centre".  A mall?  No thank you.  Convienent yes.  Soul destroying and boring - very.  So tripped around Camberwell this morning and actually found a few good things, as well as some bargains.  Nothing very exciting pour moi, except for bras and undies.

Cost Centres 1, 2 and 3 though got lots of new clothes.  Would be much simpler shopping for a baby girl than boys.  It is very hard to buy nice boy clothes which are cute and are design and style savvy.  Mostly it is TRUCKS and DINOSAURS and "Yo, Yo Cool Dude Monster".  They may as well write "Little M***** F******" on the poor darlings t-shirts and be done with!  These childrens designers do not seem to understand that we do not want a nine month old baby looking like a fifteen year old. Would be nice if they were children for five minutes.  But in cool clothes.  If I could be at all bothered, I would start up a shop myself.

Dance classes went very well last night.  Everyone had a good time and I absolutely loved being in the studio again.  Turns out getting back into teaching dance is like riding a bike (as long as you don't fall off, forget your sequences, mess up the counts, strain your hamstring and limp out like a soggy potato....).

PS. Don't bother commenting on how many asteriks are meant to be in the space above, it is just an example of how it might be.  I know my curses off by heart. I swear it.

1 comment:

  1. Check out out! Looking good, lovely! And glad to hear you've climbed back into the dancing saddle...

