Sunday 12 February 2012

Dance Job No. 1

Got a job. Probably going to turn it down.  Interfers with the weekly line-up of activities for the family as it is on a Thursday night and it will be a case of picking Henry up from Karate at 6:30pm, hauling ass back home, running out the door and coming into the dance studio hair messed-up, puffing like a steam train and generally not looking like calm dancer ready to confidently move into teaching mode.  Also they are teenagers so they will have no sympathy whatsoever.

But will do it for the next couple of weeks as have Grandmother No. 1 staying with me and she is a big help and can be at home with Cost Centres No. 2 and 3 whilst I deliver Henry to door.  The lady who runs the dance school is lovely though, very supportive and also on to a good thing with her own studios in a little strip shopping centre.  Think of me on the Cowley Road with two studios to myself - except make that Didcot (no offence V & D!).

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