Wednesday 8 February 2012

Chunky Move

It turns out I can still roll all over the floor and lots of other cool stuff as well!  Rolling around on a dusty dance floor, making all sorts of postures, which in the real world would be seen as ridiculous, but in the dance world are called Forth Position On The Floor.  Come to think of it - it is all bloody ridiculous, but lots of fun as well.  I remember they call it Floor Technique.

So finally made it to my first advanced contemporary class at Chunky Move dance studios in the city.  Lovely dance studios.  You could fit five EOCC upstairs halls into this studio.  It has a rather bizarre colour scheme, but nonetheless I soon got over that as I did leg swings, helicopters and shoulder rolls (they are obsessed with the floor in contemporary dance in Australia).  The teacher was ALMOST as funny as me.  But not quite.  Did not quite have my eclectic taste in music (I think it was a U2 remix), but great class, lovely sequences and overall a double-thumbs up.

Has anyone ever had a conversation in a heated indoor pool whilst your children are at swimming lessons?  Must be one of the best examples of multi-tasking for the modern mother.  Whilst holding baby, throwing pool rings and watching that the other two children do not either drown or wander off, I managed to hold quite a meaningful conversation with another Mum-friend from Rufus' ex-kindergarten.  (We are still waiting to see if Rufus gets a place at his old Kindergarten, whilst outwardly flirting with the new one.  Would rather the old one as it is closer to home, thus able to walk easily - but the new one is really great AND there is a very good social committee and champagne is their middle name.....)

Anywho to summarise the week so far - managed to get to class, yoga and maintain good mother-management skills at home.  Have posted little photo on blog in effort to make more of a go of things.  Pathetic I know, but it is a start.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE reading your blogg! Happy you had a nice class. Here,France and Fitou are gripped by a cold spell. We're having minus temperatures and HUGE wind. It's been a week already and is supposed to last longer! We're not used to Siberian winter.
    PS Lovely photo
