Monday 6 February 2012

Five Year Plan

The other day whilst I was wearing my apron, bustling around the kitchen making dinner, changing Jonty's nappy (YES I WASHED MY HANDS) and generally multi-tasking, The Accountant leans against the kitchen counter, beer in hand and casually asks "What is your five-year plan?  Where do you see yourself in five years?  What do you think you will be doing? What about your dancing?".  Jesus!  My head was full of curry sauce recipes, devious childcare plans and the fact that we were just about out of laundry liquid.

I thought it might be a trick question, and I was confused anyway. "Marks and Spencer?" I asked hopefully.  By the bemused expression on his face I could see it was the wrong answer.  "No. Where do you see yourself in five years? What will you be doing? We need to talk about this and plan ahead not just coast along!"  The only coasting along I've been doing is running at full pelt with Jonty in pram and boys in front on bikes about to cross at a busy intersection.

I used to be able to write three and five year plans in my sleep for Biserk.  Swing into meetings full of determination and ideas.  Now, everytime I try to envisage some sort of artistic notion, I have three voices demanding my attention elsewhere.  Make that four voices, The Accountant can be a pain in the ass as well.

(Interlude whilst I tell you that during the writing of this blog - Rufus and Jonty were playing blocks nicely together in the family room.  Rufus joined me in the office and I asked him where Jonty was: "Watching the washing go round and round..."  Just as I thought I had better rescue the nine month old baby from being in the house by himself we heard an almighty crash from the laundry - luckily followed by screams from Jonty.  I ran in there to find him pinned to the floor by the ironing board, the iron beside him on the floor.  He wasn't hurt, just startled.  I however, am up for the Worst Mother of the Year Award already.....).

Will come up with some sort of plan for the next few years.  It will definately involve contraception.

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