Monday 27 February 2012

Being Perfect

Yesterday I was thinking that I really should make more effort to obtain some dance work.  Then I thought, no I really should be making time to use my artistic voice and network properly amongst other professionals in the arts.  Then I tripped over some stuff on the floor and made amends to keep the house more oganised so that we can actually find things in cupboards and have clean clothes and dishes.

I then wandered out to my office and looked at the disaster of materials which had been thrown in there when it had started raining.  Must clean out office.

I was also thinking that I should really be looking in my cookbooks for good ideas for family meals, and then go to the two or three shops needed to buy the ingredients (all locally-produced, organically grown, super-expensive of course).  I was then berrating myself for not spending enough time reading and writing with Henry.  Of course Rufus needs me to do some playing with him as well.  There goes poor old Jonty crawling around the house, stuffing coal into his mouth, dribbling and crying when he accidently closes another door on himself.

Need to make up three classes for Thursday night - what music can I use for 13 year olds?  Need to send CV to Chunky Moves for possible teaching job there.  God - I am going to UK in just under two months - supposedly to offer a fantastically inspiring weekend dance workshop.  On a farm.  Need to make sure that is in the bag within next couple of weeks.

Must make more of an effort to contact friends in Australia.  Have not even seen half of them yet.  Need to email UK friends, just in case they have forgotten me.  Need to make more of an effort to remember birthdays. The Accountant's was on Sunday.  He spent it jet-lagged, hungover, hot and bundled out of the house to attend Rufus' Kindergarten welcome party at the not-so-shady park in 35 degree heat.  And I made everyone walk.  Must make more of an effort to not be so bloody bossy.

Must make an effort to be more friendly to other school and kindergarten Mums.  Even though it is hurting my head trying to remember all of their names, plus their childrens, and husbands. And pets!  We are definitely the most ramshackle family living in this area, no doubt about it.  I suppose a nice way of putting it would be "bohemian".  But more chaotic.  Definitely not perfect.


  1. How much I feel for you! But I know you're happy and perfect!

    1. Much cheered by your lovely comment! Don't feel too sorry for me. The villa is draining all of our cash, but it is very lovely languishing in the house. Of course there is not too much languishing going on.....x

  2. WHAT WORKSHOP AND WHEN???? oh and is it open to middle aged community dancers ( I mean, can I come along?). Loving your blog... it rings true every time. Much love.xxxx

    1. Babe - you're not even middle-aged! Community dancer? Fuck off. I saw your name on the Pegasus Theatre list of performances by Professional Dancers for the Oxford Dance Festival. Would love you to come and dance among the chickens and hay bales. Much fun. Will put on website soon and also send email around. May Bank Holiday weekend. Camping optional. Probably Friday/Saturday nights with a sharing/party on last afternoon. I'm all about the parties love. x

  3. I'm there. with wellies. My dancing? is me talking for a bit and then lumping around. Hoping that people laugh, cry, feel something in the process. Plus Hudson is dancing on the same bill so I look truly awful.
    ye gods. Glad you are coming back all be it briefly, I'm somewhat gutted that you have left just as I give up teaching and am looking for people to work with... timing.... it's all in the timing.

    1. Emma - what is your email address so I can send you details about dance retreat/classes in May? Send me email to N x
