Thursday 5 January 2012


Have just come back from a lovely jaunty holiday to Merimbula - on the South Coast of Australia, about six hours drive from Melbourne.  Now this is where it gets confusing - we stayed at The Cousin's Brother's house.  Obviously he is my cousin as well.  The Cousin's Brother was very hospitable, does a decent BBQ and a great impression of Finn (youngest child of The Cousin).

The Cousin's Brother did well to have two families staying in his house - five children in total.  I discovered that babies and beaches do not really mix well.  Sand picked up in tiny fists, shoved in mouth and eyes, followed by screaming and wiping.  Then five minutes later the process starts again.  Needless to say Jonty and I spent about half the time at the beach as the others, but managed to have a good time nonetheless.  The boys had a ball.  Lots of marine exploration with The Accountant.

One of our favourite days was going to Magic Mountain.  A feast of waterslides and other rides in a bush setting with tall trees giving us shade all day.  Much fun and hilarity.

The Accountant and I went out for dinner one night with friends who live in Merimbula.  Afterwards we were having a drink at a Tapas bar.  I pictured this bar to be something like Kazbar in Oxford.  It was nothing like it, but good fun all the same.  As we stood outside the bar we watched three cars go by at various interludes.  Our friend said "Three cars tonight.  Usually you don't even have to look when you cross the road".

Another country town incident involved about eight teenage boys on a beach holiday, strolling down the street after closing time and getting very excited about a cockroach on the street corner.  One of them picked up the offending insect and promptly ate it whilst his friends filmed with their iPhones - ready for Youtube.  You heard it here first.

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