Tuesday 10 January 2012

English Summer

Eighteen degrees and raining. My kind of summer. I love it.  I know you think I'm crazy English folks, but really the heat gets you down over here.  Unless you are sunning yourself by a pool, then it is really no earthly good being 35 degrees and sunny all day every day.  So this little break in the weather suits me just fine as I can get things done.

Speaking of getting things done - when am I ever going to start up my dance classes or company? Hey?  What's that about?

Wanted: One super-efficient secretary to do all administration, marketing, publicity and organisation of aforementioned dance company. No pay just good jokes and champagne. Whingers need not apply.


  1. Do it Nickely! The dance world needs you! Hope you are well...xemx

    1. Emma - thanks for the encouragement. I really need it. Why is it so hard to get it together with 3 children. If Victoria Bloody Beckham can do it......xx Love your comments. Missing you and all of England! xxx
