Saturday 28 January 2012

Curriculum Vitae

I've been sent into the office (garden office, not a Real Person's Office) by The Accountant to do some work. This is because I moaned and groaned, ranted and raved for a full ten minutes about the state, or lack of, my career.  "You made me leave a perfectly good dance school and company in Oxford, blah, blah, blah, kitchen sink, rant, rant, bloody children, rave, rave, selfish, selfish.....".  So in the end he flipped a coin (in truth it was a Turkish Delight wrapper) to see whether I worked this morning, or had a sleep (overtired and emotional).

The wrapper won.  So I am meant to be working on my CV and getting stuck into the dreary job of looking for dance work.  Of course I took a moment to write a cheeky blog.  That will show him.  Bloody stupid time to work anyway as it is Sunday morning. No one will be in their office. No one to answer my questions or emails.  So I have written a List.  I am in fact the Queen of the List.  I really like Lists.  I have tried not to make the List too overwhelming or ambitious.  It is a very modest List, and I could in fact achieve all the components today if I wanted.

It is a choice between working at home.
Going to beach with The Accountant and Cost Centres Numbers 1 and 2.
Going to a gallery with visiting Father, Jo and Cost Centre Number 3.

If only writing a blog could be a paying job. With a little side serving of dance.............

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