Tuesday 17 January 2012

Visitors from the Old Country

Our first (and best, seeing as they are the first!) friends have come to stay from England.  What has really made my week fantastic was going to the pool today.  As I was walking around the big pool holding on to Rufus' hand, what could only be described as a complete Adonis came strolling out in front of me, with brown locks, a washboard stomach, a very broad chest and legs that went all the way up to....his washboard stomach (yes my father reads this blog).

This sight was only SLIGHTLY better than seeing Frazer at 8am this morning in JUST A TOWEL ROUND HIS WAIST.  I nearly tossed the baby at him just to see if he would drop everything.  Keep it together ladies.

Very hot here in Melbourne 34 degrees but due for a thunderstorm tomorrow.  Karen and I are debating whether we have the energy to get up at 6am, cycle to the local swimming pool and making it back before The Accountant has espresso at 7:30am.  It is already 11:30pm, I haven't had my evening stroll and there are visitors waiting in the lounge and half a bottle of bubbly to go.  Can it be done?

I came out (into the office) on the pretence of checking the weather report.  You can see the pressure under which these blogs are written.  You could break the tension with a knife.  Ha Ha. Sorry I couldn't even keep that smirk off my face whilst writing that.  Life in the suburbs hey. It's bloody hot.

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