Sunday 6 November 2011


I need to get me a bit of Urban.  And I am not talking about the musical genre, but I have been living in a cultural bubble here in sunny Camberwell.  Everything is very nice, everything is very pleasant and middle-class and everything is a little bit Stepford Wives. Scary stuff in the suburbs.

I saw some graffiti the other day, and that was a bit more normal.  But it was very orderly graffiti and it was on the underground part of the train line, which is not visible from the road anyway - so that doesn't even count.

My Cowley Road crew will know exactly what I am talking about.  School pick-up conversations with the yummy mummies are very correct and domesticated.  I am dying to start a conversation with " I was at the gig last night, ended up on someone's boat, and we were all so wasted didn't know which way to walk through the field..." or "...that piece by blah blah was fantastic, although the theatrical elements were not dynamic enough for the movement material....".

But I can tell you an excellent website for labels and stickers for the children's belongings.  Lunchboxes, drink bottles, clothes etc.  See - I'm losing it. Gonna get me a bit of urban darlin'.


  1. Ah Nickely.... How I wish I could bump into you on the Cowley road and share such delights! Tupperware never really did it for me. Great blog lovely lady and hope all well and not too MUMSY (I hate it so much I have to put it in capitals..)
    All love
    em x
