Monday 3 June 2013

The Elimination Round

There are times in your life when you need to start eliminating people who annoy you.  I will not to go into details here and now but let's just say I'm slightly miffed.  And my little black book is somewhat lighter this morning.  And a bit messed up with names scribbled out.

On a happier note: yes that is me in the above picture - drinking, smoking and gambling.  All three vices in one night. You couldn't ask for better entertainment than that when The Accountant takes the bigger boys away for a weekend of camping with father's bonding with their children.

If you look closely at the poker cards I am holding you will see two small heads.  William and Kate (HRHs) playing cards.  So there were two types of camp that weekend.


  1. Super glam, WHY are there lego on the table!!!

  2. I knew someone with keen eyes would spot that. Apropos my last blog titled Poker Face, we did use lego as chips. Quite handy really. Piles of 10s, 20s, 50, 100s and 200s - all colour-coded. A good idea for an impetuous gambler like myself where I would have ended up having to sell a child after one bad hand. On our first poker night I was left with a few white lego pieces (10s), whilst my neighbour Ann had towers, building and cities of colour across the table. So bloody smug she was as well. It was super glam for a super housewife like myself.

  3. I love it.
    And I am around when you visit, but my stupid email account wont let me reply....
    xx emma xx
