Monday 30 July 2012

London 2012

The Accountant and I went to bed very excited on Friday night (no, not about that - MY PARENTS READ THIS!) and set the alarm ready to be up for the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics.  At the last minute I realised Jonty would be my alarm.  Of course the little bugger only picked that morning to sleep in.  I jumped out of bed whilst it was still dark, shivering into my socks, cardigan, dressing gown and dragging a blanket behind me.  "The Olympics.....Ceremony...Tea!" I shouted.   The Accountant merely rolled over and snuggled into the duvet, muttering something that sounded like go away only worse.

So Jonty and I watched the Opening Ceremony by ourselves.  I loved the humour, music choices and complete bonkers eccentricity of the performance.  Then Henry came out and sleepily enquired when they would start running and swimming.  Very disappointed not to see some sporting action at once.  The Accountant finally emerged for the boring bit - the athletes walking around the arena.

Mexico had the best costumes.  Stella Mc did OK for Team GB - but those shorts would have been better on an African Safari.  Preferably one whose fan base stretched to Star Trek. The Australian Team looked a cross between cricketers circa '91 and naughty boarding school boys.  The only cool thing was the tan skinny belt.

There are two problems watching the Olympics in Australia.  One is the time zone differences.  The second is that it is all about Australia. To the extent that they will show any crap sport if there is an Australian represented.  Even if they come 27th.  Out of 27 competitors!

Last night they showed more hockey than I ever wish to see again in my lifetime.  The score was 6 - 0 in Australia's favour - and they still insisted on showing the next seven excruciating minutes.

At least in England they tend to show a diverse range of sports, and they show the best of the best in the world, not just their own countrymen.  And they usually spread the coverage over two television channels - with no advertisement breaks.  Team GB are not usually known for a huge tally of medals in gymnastics or swimming.  But they are good at sports where they sit on their butts.  Give them a seat on anything and watch them go: a boat, a bike or a horse - and the medals come rolling in.

Let us see if The Accountant and I get up next week at 4:30am to watch the Men's Final 100m.  Place your bets.....

1 comment:

  1. Hi babe, loving the olympics here too! Loved beating the Americans and Australians at swimming! you know, each country is the same they do tend to show their own, in France it's all swimmming and judo at the moment and handball! Missing important events at the moment as I am dancing in a show here in Fitou, lol, but had the chance to do a workshop with a great young French dancer and choregrapher called Bastien Nozeran, check him out. He made me do floor work and stuff I didn't think I could do anymore. Thinking of you! Love and kisses to you and the boys
