Monday 6 August 2012

Avon Calling

I have decided to chuck in the dance and become and Avon Lady.  Kidding!  No but I did have a pampering party on Sunday afternoon for a few ladies.  Most of us were related in some way or other.  Would have been a complete success were it not for children coming in and out of my peripheral vision for the last hour. 

Extremely hard to pull of the glamorous yummy mummy glow when you are screaming "Rufus!  Get off the netting on the trampoline! NOW!".  From inside the house.  Right beside the special make-up lady educating us in the difference between day and night creams (one for protecting and the other for correcting girls - and my gayfriend boys).

It is funny the things you do when you no longer have culture on your doorstep.  The make-up lady even tried to encourage me to take on a business.  No for me though.  If I have any spare time available which is not on the mothering/wifely to-do list, it is heading straight for the studio or theatre.

By the way I have indeed started up my first adults contemporary dance class.  It is targeted at school and kindergarten parents after drop-off in the morning.  So of course it is a beginner's class.  And I really had forgotten what it is like to teach absolute beginners who have no experience of contemporary dance, either as a participant or audience member.  So the first week I had 3 mums come along.  The second week 6, then last week 9 people.  They love it. 

One lady commented jubilantly after class: "Well I didn't know what to expect.  But it's like real dancing!"

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