Tuesday 3 July 2012

Supermarket Rage

Is it me or do old people think they are the kings and queens of the public domain these days?  Is anyone else having problems with the over 75s?

Here's how it went: I was trundling along with my trolley the other day - sans enfant - and in a bit of a hurry as I had 3.25 hours until I had to collect Cost Centre No 3.  And as great as food shopping is (?!@?*), I needed to do other stuff.

I was looking hither and thither for groceries, as you do, when I looked up and saw the aisle was barred by boxes on either side.  With a tiny gap in the middle for a trolley to wiggle and waggle through.  Probably accompanied by lots of swearing since they never go where you want them to.  An old lady was standing at the other end there watching me - very grumpy.  If she went one step back, then I could get through and then she could continue onwards.  If I reversed the whole of my aisle, then she would have to wait an eternity to wiggle her way through. It was like a showdown from the Wild West, but she didn't move.  So forwards I went, without her moving an inch, then I moved sideways to let her pass and moved a few things at the same time.  Then I gave her a smile.

Instead of the thank you I had been expecting, she shook her head at me ("young people these days.....") and continued on banging into everything.  My mouth dropped open, I nearly laughed and did that gesture with my hands where you are thinking "What the...?".  I looked up at the oldish man who was coming my way - the only witness to the whole scenario - thinking he would be sympathetic and just as curious about the woman's behaviour.  He shook his head at me and remonstrated "You've got to give way".  Even a pointy finger!

A few days before I had a screaming Jonty in the trolley, at the end of his tether, and I finally headed for the cash register and freedom.  I pulled up, started unpacking, when an old lady pushed in front of me and started unpacking her basket.  Clearly thinking her basket of twenty goods was quicker than my trolley.  The checkout girl just gave me a sorry smile, but didn't say anything.  Old Lady did not make eye contact or say anything at all.  And I got the impression I was not to say anything.  In principle, I really don't mind letting other people in, with good reason.  But this was clearly very rude.

Well Jonty certainly let her know what he thought about it.  She had to listen to that for the next five minutes whilst she fiddled and fangled her way through her Margaret Thatcher handbag.  She got stroppy with the checkout girl and did not know whether to pay cash or card.

Lord give me strength.

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