Thursday 12 July 2012

Feeling Blue (and red and white)

There are usually only two reasons why I abstain from writing on my blog. 
1. Too busy.
2. Nothing to write about/feeling blue/bored with Australia/despair at the lack of dance (arts scene in general)/missing my friends/housewifery getting me down.

I have to admit it is the second of these reasons at the moment.  (Big sigh)
I cannot seem to get a foot in the dance studio door at the moment.  Unlike my other frustrated dance colleague though, it is for want of trying.  I just can't be bothered anymore.  I came.  I saw.  I wanted to go home. 

It took me the best part of 20 years to establish myself in the UK as a dance artist.  But I don't want to go back to Job One again.  These bloody antipodeans keep themselves to themselves in the dance industry.  And no wonder - there are no jobs worth mentioning.  The major dance website for Victoria does not even list "Employment" on the website.  Just "Opportunities". Which is a nice way of saying "volunteer jobs which won't really count as anything or give any meaningful employment".

In the Australian press recently there was someone quoted as saying that no artist waits around for an Arts Policy.  Art will always be made regardless of Arts Policies and Grants.  Fair point.  But what are artists supposed to live on? Air? Bread and water?  The plumber gets paid.  The shop assistant gets paid.  The Accountant gets paid.  Dancers?  Of course it's the joy of dancing!  So shut up sister, take your tights off and get a real job.

And did I mention that in an artform with 90% participation by women, the top jobs are all held by men?  Every single artistic director and choreographer of note is male.  Yet there are no up and coming young male dancers in the ranks.  Funny that, isn't it?

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