Thursday 1 September 2011

Thank God for the Grandparents

We have just had David's parents come and stay to help out whilst we looked for houses and schools in Melbourne and it was a huge help. I really don't know how I will carry on and stay sober and sane without them. Gin o'clock starts earlier every day....

Today we are out near the lovely mountains with my cousin and she is a never-ending source of support. Always good to have someone to laugh at the children's tantrums.

Melbourne is totally gluten-free. Everywhere you go there are signs for gluten-free food, and everytime I mention it, the shop-keeper/person on the street/man in the bar is a Coeliac as well. What is up with Australians and this disease? Don't feel like such a freak now. Or maybe even more so.

Thanks to all the followers of the blog - Emma and Geraldine! x

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