Wednesday 21 September 2011


OK so it might be paradise out here in sunny Yarralumla, where there are mountains, lakes, trees and flowers, but I took the brave step of driving out to the shopping centre and it was like another world. And not a pretty world.  Walking through Woden Shopping Centre was a bit like the scene in Harry Potter where the Dementors are sucking the very life and soul from him.

Bustling: yes. Pleasant: yes. Boring: my God yes. I am sure I saw a hay bale blow through a deserted courtyard/plaza whilst I walked back to the car.  Shopping centres or malls are not quite my cup of tea in any country, I prefer High Street shopping, but it was all a bit Stepford Wives in there. With a few mullets thrown in for good measure.

I also had to pick myself off the floor when I bought my quite modest L'Oreal mascara. About eight quid in Boots.  "That will be $27 thanks." Fuck me!

The children in general have been coping quite well with the change of countries.  However little Henry (now six) has just started getting severe homesickness. He wants his bed, his house, his friends, his school, his swimming/gymnastics/karate lessons and the Union Jack blowing in an Autumnal breeze.  He is not a happy chap at the moment. I should have known this was coming because on Day Two he remarked to me "You said we were going to be living in Australia. We are not even living.  It's like we're on holiday - only worse." Find a happy place, find a happy place.........

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