Friday 16 September 2011

Paradise Refound

Once the two Davids and I were seeing Bob Downe (hilarious Australian camp comedian) at High Wycombe.   He was picking Australians out of the audience to ask where they were from. David L very enthusiastically raised his hand: "Where are you from?" (Me thinking: "Don't say Canberra, whatever you do don't say Canberra".) David L (loudly) "Canberra!"

Without missing a beat Bob Downe came back with "Canberra? Canberra? I don't even have any jokes about Canberra. Canberra is so boring you spike your own drink when you go out in the evening".

So here we are in Canberra, and it might be boring and home to politics, but to us city-weary folks it is bliss.  We are staying at The Grandparents house. More like a 5-star spa retreat really. The sun never stops shining and it is totally gorgeous.  David and I have got time off for good behaviour tonight and going to the lovely Hyatt Hotel for a drink.  The house is right next to the lake, and we can see Black Mountain from the garden.  The birds are chirping (not swooping!) and blossom of all colours adorns the gardens.

Very peaceful and pretty and lots of nature nearby.  This afternoon I am off to Body Balance. Like a workout class with yoga. Girls - me! Off to a funny old workout class!  Will report back on how it went. I even packed LEGGINGS just in case such an opportunity came up. Luckily I haven't posted any photos on this blog yet, and the very thought of me in LEGGINGS sends a shiver down my spine.  Down my nice warm, 23 degree, well-exercised and flat white coffee spine.

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