Sunday 30 June 2013

All Change

I have so many things to write about I don't know where to begin.  Last week I was going to write a blog along the lines of the No. 10 bus never comes, and then 2 buses come at the same time. Regarding the change in Prime Minister.  But I never got around to it.  I was also going to mention that no one ever talks about David Cameron's chest hair or Barack Obama's private parts.  But then, why would you?  Julia Gillard however had to endure all of that, and somehow maintain some kind of dignity amongst the back-stabbing of her own political party.

Other things on my agenda this week are Henry and Rufus' joint birthday party (photos below), where we had a very dishy guy from Reptile Encounters show us everything from stick insects to pythons.  We had 28 children in attendance, and somehow lots of Mums too.  Champagne, lovely reptile man holding a crocodile.  Just a regular Saturday afternoon.

Have had my mother staying (linen cupboard nice and tidy).  We have 3 Guinea Pigs sleeping in our laundry, and the little boys won't see them until they wake up.  Oh and yes I'm packing this evening because I'll be in good ol' Blighty in 48 hours.  See you at Kazbar Friday night.

PS You might think we made two-year old Jonty pose for these photos, but he would not stop volunteering for this stuff.  He may not look enthusiastic but he did not want to miss out on all the fun his big brothers were having.

iday night.

Tuesday 11 June 2013


Went to the ballet luvvies to see The Australian Ballet.  Three different choreographers, George Balanchine, Jiri Kylian and Wayne McGregor.  Of course it is always lovely to have a trip to the ballet, but I was slightly disappointed with the interpretation.  The first piece was a little boring for me.  Only because contemporary dance has come along in leaps and bounds (pun intended), and this version of faux jazz ballet and classical ballet pushed me over edge.  I didn't even have any champagne as I was still feeling the effects of a party at the neighbours the day before.

Kylian and McGregor's pieces I had seen before on their respective companies - Netherlands Dans Theatre and Random Dance Company.  The Australian dancers are obviously well-trained and approached both pieces with their usual professionalism. But having seen these works in Europe I felt the attention to detail in the style, quirkiness and sheer edginess was a bit lost.  Don't get me wrong, The Australian Ballet dancers do what they're told.  And they can kick a leg like nobody's business!

Gorgeous sets and costumes.  But overall slightly lacking in confidence.

Thursday 6 June 2013

What's It All About?

When I had been in Australia only six months, people said it takes about a year to feel better.  Settle in. Call the place home.

At the one year mark I felt considerably worse than during the first week, when it was all new and exciting.  As well as the fact that I was incredibly sleep-deprived from new baby and jet-lag.  A fog of naivety.

By August it will be two years since we came to "The Lucky Country".  Two years!

The other night after a particularly lovely dance class at Chunky Move in the city, I was feeling......happy.  Funny how a walk alone back to your car can bring on thoughts of calmness and serenity.  The city of Melbourne sprawled in front of me, lit up and reminiscent of a New York skyline at night (if you squint a bit).  But I had been at home with sick and/or injured children for about five weeks now, so it was also respite from domesticity and all its responsibilities.

During my day to day business of school drop-offs and pick-ups, the endless after-school activities of gymnastics, swimming, scouts and football, not to mention the entertaining of a two-year old, it is easy to forget that I am meant to be an actual individual person who might like to trapse into the city for a dance class.  A proper adult dance class.  With proper dancers.  Wearing proper dance clothes. And no one wearing an apron or picking up lego.

Sometimes my weekly (or twice weekly if I can trick The Accountant) dance class feel like a weekend to Barbados.  Although obviously without the bikini and cocktail.  That could be interesting though....

Are the scales finally tipping towards my new life here?  My impending trip to the UK to fix our house seemed like a good opportunity to catch up with friends, if only it was one week earlier or later as most people are starting their emails "...I'm so sorry I won't be here when you....". Bugger off.  Well I can tell you one thing.  Me and my other two friends are going to have a great time.

Photo: This was taken on Karen & Fraser's visit of January 2012, but thought it was cute and might get your attention.

Monday 3 June 2013

The Elimination Round

There are times in your life when you need to start eliminating people who annoy you.  I will not to go into details here and now but let's just say I'm slightly miffed.  And my little black book is somewhat lighter this morning.  And a bit messed up with names scribbled out.

On a happier note: yes that is me in the above picture - drinking, smoking and gambling.  All three vices in one night. You couldn't ask for better entertainment than that when The Accountant takes the bigger boys away for a weekend of camping with father's bonding with their children.

If you look closely at the poker cards I am holding you will see two small heads.  William and Kate (HRHs) playing cards.  So there were two types of camp that weekend.