Sunday 11 December 2011

Hippy Dance Thing

I keep receiving emails from Claire Thompson, Dance Officer for Oxford, which keep me updated on dance events in and around Oxford.  I have specifically not asked to be taken off the mailing list as it is nice to see what is going on and even if I am not applying or participating, I still have a little Oxford dance in my heart (altogether now - Ahhhhhh).

Last week I was sent one such dance email regarding an event in Oxford called "Body Cycles, Earth Cycles".  Imagine the hilarity in our house should I shout out to The Accountant "Right love I'm off to my Body Cycles, Earth Cycles workshop now.  Don't wait up."  As if The Accountant needs any more ammuninition when it comes to the left-leaning contemporary dance events in the UK (or anywhere for that matter).  He already thinks my Saturday morning class was filled with women rolling around on a dirty floor (thanks for that East Oxford Community Centre, there are still some bits behind my ears I'll never get clean) talking about our periods.  Why can't these people call their workshops something sensible?  Body cycles + 95% women participation + contemporary dance + local community centre = lots of jokes about bodily functions.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nickely.
    We might not be quite so much the "hello I knit my own yoghurt and live in a hollowed out organic bean" types, but the hip hop kids still miss you bundles!
    Read your blog at work and it makes me chuckle (always fun making up a legitimate reason to be laughing at your computer screen when you work in mental health and don't want to let on that you're browsing the net), would comment more but nothing interesting to say!
    Jealous of your sun and heat (shock oh surprise, it's grey and drizzling out of my window as I write this, and it's 2pm, so only about 5 minutes till dusk).
    love and hugs,
    Liz xx
