Friday 26 August 2011

House Hunting

The exciting business of house hunting started on Thursday. Two days with our lovely Expat agent Jane was like two days on holiday in Barbados compared with being in a small apartment with three children.  We swanned around lovely Melbourne suburbs dreaming of cosy houses with lovely gardens. Close to cool shops, cafes, beaches, parks and schools.
Today is Saturday and now the whole thing has become a bit dreary as we have seen our dream house, put our names on the never ending list of others who want the same, and have to sit back and wait for the owners to pick us. A bit like being the wallflower at the dance waiting for prince charming. Maybe I should bake one of my famous vanilla cakes and take it over.  Or Frazer's favourite Swedish biscuits?
Melbourne does have amazing coffee. And most disappointments can be healed by drinking it.  Bring on the caffeine.


  1. * I find that 'drinking anything' solves most ills in most cases . . . just saying! x

  2. It all sounds fabulous... just get the boys to be charming & definitely bake a cake!
