Tuesday 2 July 2013

Jet Lagged

Very surreal to be walking around Oxford, and driving round country lanes as if I had never left.  Went to our old house.  It looked a bit crap to tell you the truth.  The garden was fantastic though; apples, figs and pears all over the place.

Have managed to get a few things done on my list today, including many cups of tea at the houses of surprised friends.  They open the door - and there I am!  Unannounced in every way.  You see I could not top up my sim card this morning. The Orange Top-Up Network had a day off so to speak.  And of course the lady voice recorded on the line sounds so bloody smug as they give you the bad news.

So I was again on a bus from Heathrow to Oxford, with no means of communication whatsoever.  In my bag were two iPods, one laptop and two mobile phones.  And yet I had to borrow a phone from a kind stranger.  You know the words no one wants to hear across the aisle of a bus pelting along the motorway, "Excuse me, would it be possible to.....".  So embarrassing.

I will tell you another thing.  If I never see the inside of Royal Air Brunei again I will die a happy woman.  I think 32 hours of travelling is a bit much really.  Still I have little bit of happy in my step and looking forward to staying up until at least 7:30pm.  Also Grazia magazine is only £1.95.

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