Wednesday 31 July 2013

Gay FM

Let me tell you readers that I am leading such a glamorous new lifestyle in Melbourne.  Last Friday night I was invited to a Cleaning Party.  My usual Friday nights in Oxford veered between a good night out with low lighting, funky music and a glass of something lovely in my right hand, and a cosy night in with The Accountant and the boys.  I am such a dag now that an Enjo party is the highlight of my week.

For the uninitiated these Enjo products are not for the fainthearted.  The sponges alone are $45.  No Tesco 79p cleaning products for these Camberwell ladies.  However, they were developed in Austria by a chap who had the sense to create something which would clean up oil spills in the ocean without Spray n'Wipe.  So you use no cleaning product but just these magical sponges and cloths.

It was being in a reality TV infomercial.  The sceptical among us who arrived just for the champagne and good cheese, scoffed and laughed in the corner for the first 30 seconds.  And then there were "Ooohs" and "Aahhs" from everyone as the Enjo Lady did her stuff.  Suckers.  Of course I snapped up $300 worth of products right then and there.  Do you think I am crazy enough to let this stuff go?

Another funny part of my week was the appearance at my door of the Radio Diary Lady.  She very inconveniently turned up just as I was trying to wedge Jonty into the pram for school pick-up.  I must admit I was a bit off with her.  She wanted me to put down my radio listening regime for the next week.  I tried to explain that mainly I list to BBC podcasts but this did not put her off one bit.

I have yet to find a good radio station in Melbourne and so the other day whilst I was doing my usual radio fiddling in the car, tutting at every bad song and annoying DJ (oh yes please tell us again about your D-list celebrity social event) I found JOY FM.  The news was being read by a particularly camp newsreader, complete with lisp.  I thought it was nice that this station was being so inclusive.  Then the announcer said "JOY FM.  The gayest station in the nation!".  Hilarious.  That cheered me up no end and of course I can't wait to pop that in my Radio Diary.  Disco beats at 8:30am?  Yes please.

Now just waiting for my Enjo products to turn up so I can really go crazy in the bathroom.  I might have to wear heels and a dress though so I don't feel like such a complete tosser.

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