Sunday 19 May 2013


One of my favourite things about Melbourne is my Sunday morning yoga class.  Last week we had another amazing yoga class, filled with sublime calm, exertion and inspiration delivered by this amazing yoga teacher.  And at the end of the class my mouth literally dropped when she announced that this was her last class with us as she was leaving to go back to Western Australia.  "Nooooooo!" I wanted to shout.  However that would not have been very beneficial to the calmness she had just instilled in the class for the last hour.

But I do feel bereft.  I also know exactly how she felt as she looked around with tears in her eyes and thanked everyone for their part in making the class special and welcoming.  It was me leaving my own dance classes all over again.  I nearly cried with her then and there.  "Don't do it" I wanted to tell her, gripping her arm in a fever of desperation "This is as good as it gets".  However, I kept it all inside (as we are taught to do) and gave her a hug and wished her well.

As one door closes though, another standing posture opens and by Monday evening I was in the above pose and feeling good.  But my back was bloody sore on Tuesday.

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