Wednesday 30 January 2013


It has been a normal sort of summer by Australian standards.  Some places have been suffering sweltering temperatures of over 40 degrees for a month or more.  Other parts have been enduring bush fires which have devastated communities, livelihoods, homes and wildlife.

And now in Queensland and northern NSW come - the floods.  My mother texted me to say they were OK although no electricity and no phone lines including mobiles.  So I left it a bit before I called her.  Meanwhile whilst checking news reports and watching the news I started to get a little worried.  By the time I called my mother she was in bed. No electricity and no daylight savings in Queensland meant that by 7pm it was dark, and there was nothing else for it but to go to bed with a torch and a book.

She assured me everything was fine in their area, aside from the fact that their pool had flooded and due  to having no electricity, they could not open their remote control doors (to get out the Mercedes Benz the poor things!).  I told mother that I was hoping for more drama, in order that I could get a decent blog written (selfish I know but I am getting the scraps where I can).

She replied that it was a big drama for her - "I haven't had a cup of tea all day!"

So yes she is suffering.  Although as I watched my own tea bag floating in my cup, I pondered that some people would be watching their houses float down the river.  And perhaps even their car or dog too.

There must be a gag line in here somewhere to do with cups that overfloweth - but I am too damn tired to even think on it.

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