Tuesday 8 January 2013

Birthday Blog

Is it so bad being 44?  I was so young and happy yesterday, and today I definitely have to tick the mid-forties box.  No blogs for ages due the weariness of the festive season setting in on about December 1st.  The weariness and despair of Christmas was with me throughout December and now nearly half of January.

Whilst my European and UK friends have been toasting the new year in front of cosy sitting room fires, we have been literally sweltering in 40 degree heat with real fires blasting away across Southern Australia.  The road we took from our coastal holiday to Canberra is now closed due to bush fires, and yesterday people in some areas were told not too bother evacuating, but just to find some shelter.  The only shelter available to most people would be to jump in a river or lake.  If there is one.

Thankfully Canberra has cooled down overnight, and where it was still 33 degrees at 10pm, it is now blissfully fresh.

My birthday celebrations are kicking off without The Accountant, who is adding and subtracting numbers in Melbourne and bringing home the bacon.  And although he was not looking forward to going back to the office, he was feeling terribly chuffed about having the house to himself for the week.  Beer.  Sofa.  Take-away dinners.  Peace and quiet.  And leaving his undies and wet towel where he damn pleases thank you very much.

I awoke early this morning to find a lovely birthday breakfast being prepared on the verhandah, and this afternoon lunching at the gallery with my sister and mother.  All this to distract me from the fact that I am officially OLD(ER).


  1. Hi happy birthday, happy new year!I have been missing you! I have heard about the heat wave in Australia and I feel for you! Can't beat the mediterranean climate I think.

    1)I'd love to see a birthday photo because I'm sure you don't look any older.
    2)You're not mid forties yet, that's next year.
    3) Anyway don't bother with the numbers in between just be 40 till your 50. That's what I did for my 30s and now my 40's.

    Big love to all of you from us in Fitou

  2. Ah your wise words of wisdom bring welcome relief Geraldine. Yes I will find a photo somewhere and send to you. There may be one from this afternoon but with the three little boys as well. But evidence of my new gorgeous beige lace dress which fits me like a glove. I could never wear it on a fat day. Got away with it today though. Missing you too! Telling people recently about our trip to Fitou and the sardines. Spatulas at the ready. x
