Saturday 2 February 2013


Last weekend I had a free Saturday night.  Well who doesn't when you have three small children? Sad isn't it?  No but what I mean is that The Accountant was between business trips.  He walked in the door from Hong Kong.  And I walked out to yoga.

By the evening I had my groove on and was dressed up in my favourite outfit of the moment - a funky jumpsuit I bought in Oxford on my last trip back.  Of course my Best Gay Friend said it was fabulous and I just had to have it.  However I can never wear it on date night with The Accountant as apparently I look like an Oompa Loompa (his words not mine).

I was going out in Northcote with two gay men anyway, so I wore it with confidence.  I drove out of the leafy but dull as ditchwater suburbia, and knew I was heading towards something more akin to the Cowley Road of Melbourne when I saw a guy skateboarding.  In the middle of the road.  Wearing a poncho.  I felt right at home.

We had a great night starting with a drink at Kitty Somerset - which sounds like a Bond Girl but is a bar with a cool vintage/art deco vibe.  Then dinner at a vegetarian restaurant.  Fantastic.  Just what the doctor ordered for the lady who has been trapped in the house small boys for company.  You may think me ungrateful but I will give you an example.

Whilst I have been typing this I have had to time Henry as he races around the house and reports back to me after each round.  Rufus has been telling me about his "buddy" from school and how glad he was that he did not get the crazy buddy or the crap buddy.  Jonty shouts out MAMA every now and then.  God knows where The Accountant is, but this is the family's version of leaving me alone.  Everything from brushing my teeth to going to the loo and even doing up my bra has to be done whilst talking or reasoning with a small child, who may or may not be clinging to my legs or going through and slowly wreaking havoc amongst my special things whilst I am otherwise occupied.

I had better make sure that jumpsuit and my heels are ready for another trip soon.  I am going to need it.

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