Friday 18 May 2012

Cool Britannia

Cool in more ways than one. Bloody freezing nearly the whole time, but of course the sun came out the day before I left, and as the bus was leaving Oxfordshire I could see the beautiful fields of yellow and green like a patchwork quilt.  The overriding feeling though was that although in double-dip recession, Britain remains very cool - arty, musical and that rather dry sense of humour.

What kind of person in their right mind decides to take an advanced contemporary dance class at 9:00am on the day they leave, right after a night of drinks at Kazbar?  Nonetheless there I was, sweeping the bloody East Oxford Community Centre hall, whilst murmuring under my breath "....other side of the world, 43 years old, still sweeping the floor...".  It is a little bit hard to look like the ultra-hip professional choreograppher I am with a broom in my hand - and a with a slight hangover to boot.

I was very excited to take my first class at the beginning of my two-week stay.  All the old Brits would soon come up the stairs and greet me.  But the first person to arrive was a guy who had emailed me, who I had never met, very keen to take part in the Hip Hop sessions.  He opened his mouth to introduce himself and a broad Australian accent came out.  He was from the Yarra Valley, a few miles from Melbourne. 

Thanks to all who came to my classes, workshops and that hippy dance thing we did out on the farm.  Also to friends old and new who met up with me in Oxford, London and all the counties up and down (although no further north than Leamington Spa as it's grim up North).  Thanks Sarah, Katy and Carole for having me stay and sorry for going through all your personal belongings and private papers and messing up your drawers.  Kidding! (but I know you will check anyway).

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