Tuesday, 11 March 2014


My new boss at the ballet school asked me if I had a professional head and shoulders shot to put up in the lobby.  (I didn't want to tell her that I had wondered why the previous contemporary dance teacher's portrait was still up there - but also had that unnerving feeling when starting a new job that they are just waiting for you to trip up - and therefore no need to get rid of the portrait. I must have passed whatever test was in store.)

Apropos of this it occurred to me that I have been 25 years in the business, and I have never once had a head and shoulders shot to use for publicity etc.  Lots of dancing shots.  Lots of me pretending to teach people dance.  Lots of ugly photos of me in the theatre/studio in the middle of rehearsals.  And one very funny picture of literally just my head which went into the Oxford Times, Banbury Post and Buckinghamshire Herald - unbeknown to me - until DH and I bought some copies at the petrol station. How he laughed!  Three weeks of non-stop laughter.

Anywho, at the grand old age of --, I need to get a proper professional portrait taken to put in the lobby of the dance centre for all to see.  I will need to wash my hair and get some bloody good lighting going.

If it is any good I will post it on my blog in a couple of weeks.  So you too can laugh for about three weeks.

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