Friday 7 February 2014


Got a new job readers.  I work!  I am helpful to the community and to my family. I leave the house at a certain time - and come back when it is dark.  It is fun.

Somehow I managed on reputation alone, to secure a new job.  I am teaching contemporary dance at the Australian Conservatoire of Ballet.  They are proper ballerinas.  I mean serious dancers.  I cannot tell you how satisfying it is to work with dancers of this calibre again.  It gives me so much pleasure to see my choreography on astute bodies.  Also they get my jokes.

Of course the childcare has to be arranged with military precision.  Henry and Rufus are often to be found at school pick-up looking vacantly into the distance, wondering which young babysitter brandishing Jonty will be taking them home. The Accountant now gets home before me and has to go into full take-over mode.  It is join-the-dots parenting though as I have cleaned the house, made the dinner and prepped the babysitter beforehand.  I even found laundry neatly-folded into piles when I arrived home, but then remembered it probably was not the work of a man.

Especially when there is roast chicken and salad to be had.

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