Monday 18 June 2012

Trivia Night

It was the annual kindergarten Trivia Night on Saturday.  The Accountant was in India on business, so I was going solo.  The theme for our table was Bollywood.  I seem to remember the response in England for fancy dress parties ranging from luke warm to a very heated "F*** Off!".  So I was quite reticent about dressing-up myself, as I'm feeling particularly British these days.  I do have a lovely traditional Indian sparkly top, which was originally part of a whole costume, but I threw out the sari and long skirt in my clothing cull before I left the UK.

So I was thinking of making a compromise on the night - just the top with some jeans and heels.  Maybe a pashmina for good measure.  But then I remembered that these Australians do not do anything by halves, and this very night last year raised $60k for the kindergarten (what the hell do they spend it on? Diamond finger painting? Smocks by Dolce and Gabana?), so I thought they would be serious about the fancy dress.  Luckily I opted for my orange maxi skirt bought from Agra as I would have been named and shamed upon arrival.

It looked as though these people were auditioning for a Hollywood film with the amount of effort put into the costumes.  There were Scientists drinking wine out of beakers, Olympiads, Bogans (chavs), Popstars and a table of the Pink Ladies from Grease.  One particular table I thought was particularly clever as I thought even the men had dressed in drag for the part - they had all the camp mannerisms down and everything.  I was about the go over and congratulate them until I realised that they were all women!  Another Nickely moment.

The trivia was not too serious.  The the bidding for the auctioned items were.  Luckily people had a lot to drink otherwise they wouldn't have spent $700 on a Pilates Machine.  I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall in that house the next morning.

So I will leave you with one Trivia question from the night.  Whoever answers correctly gets absolutely nothing but mention on the blog.
Q: Who sang the 80s hit Turning Japanese?
No Google allowed!


  1. Thanks for your stories, love them

    1. Love you too sweetie! It is as alien to me as it is to you. As one child in Henry's class said to his mother when Henry was new to the school "There's a new boy in class. He speaks a different language, but I can understand what he is saying."

  2. T'was The Vapors darling "I I REALLY THINK SO......" Ah the 80's. Wish you were in Oxford, have so many projects that we could do! xxx
