Monday 2 April 2012

A Little Pocket

Unfortunately for me (and due to the joint account - The Accountant as well) I discovered a dear little shop right across from the dance studio where I teach classes.  Thursday mornings are delicious.  Henry and The Accountant go in one direction to school, I go in the other direction with Jonty to childcare and then Rufus to kindergarten.  I then have a miraculous 3.75 hours in which to choreograph in the studio, administration and planning in the office and housework at home.

Do I achieve anything of this?  Well I have to prioritise so of course I choreograph first (fantastic), administration second (not so fun) and housework a dreary third (hideous and bothersome).  But this week, before I had even donned my dance gear, I headed across the road to A Little Pocket and found an Aladdin's Cave of trinkets and beads.  This gorgeous shop has anything and everything a girl could want.  I bought lots of birthday presents for both English and Australian friends and family (there are about ten birthdays between March/April), and of course a few things pour moi.

A funky ring, a vase and a gorgeous necklace.  I actually found the necklace in an expensive boutique whilst Christmas shopping, but thought it bad karma to buy myself something during the festive season.  So it was like the Mother Ship calling me home when I saw the exact same necklace again - and for less!  I also bought a little white jug.  My big weakness is jugs of any kind.  But I did not have a gay/shopping friend to hold me back whilst I repeat my usual mantra "Whatever happens DON'T let me buy another bloody jug....".  Katy probably has memories of our jaunts around Bonnieux in Provence, me with my many pottery jugs, and Katy with her bottles of wine.  But that's another story....

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