Sunday 10 March 2013

Physical Jerks

Ever since I have known The Accountant he has been devoted, almost obsessed, with his current physical activity.  First it was rock climbing.  All over the world he climbed, and I sometimes, rather naively followed.  I remember sitting knitting on the foggy Yorkshire moors whilst my boyfriend scaled rocks only 8 feet from the ground.  This is called Bouldering.  It takes all day apparently.

France was more to my liking.  Katy and I could go walking and bike-riding, visit vineyards and lunch in gorgeous villages in Provence.  Australian rock climbing expeditions were just plain hot.  And we always seemed to run out of water in the middle of nowhere.

It was with some relief on my part when The Accountant became really serious about yoga.  You do not need much kit with yoga. And you can practice in your own home.  But did this stop The Accountant from once more embarking on a serious practice?  It did not.  And so to London a couple of mornings a week at 4:00am for two hours Astanga practice before work.  And a brief flirtation with meditation soon after Henry was born, in which The Accountant and German Tom would sit in our garden for an hour and not say one word to each other.  Good times.

Now the latest physical activity requires no ropes, no mats, no classes or even human contact.  Just running shoes.  But not just any old running shoes!  The house is slowing filling up with running "equipment".  How much stuff does this sport need?  Apparently everything under the sun.  And The Accountant has stopped watching normal TV in favour of running documentaries and little videos showing exactly how the arch of the foot should be when it hits the ground.  Eye-wateringly boring but it seems to do the trick, because The Accountant now does funny little jogs around the house testing these tips afterwards.  Much to the amusement of three little boys who think it is time for chasing Poppa.

Nanny Sue came to stay last week, and as it is very hot at the moment, I thought I would go for a walk before sunrise.  The Accountant had the same idea and was very enthusiastic that I should join him on a lovely morning outing together - which never happens.  I was much cheered by this until he said "Let's go now!  You can video me running!".  Never what it seems is it?